Hi All, * * Some updates: * * *Block Party Save-the-Date: *Saturday, August 24 * * Next workdays this week:
Thursday evening 6:30pm (short workday if heat continues) -- mainly harvesting
Saturday morning 10:30am -- harvesting; watering; weeding
Harvest Update * * What's ready now?
Check out some photos below. Cukes (regular, suyo long seedless, pickling), beans cool beans, beets, collard greens, dill, basil (genovese + thai), parsley, thyme. Those beans need picking! The purple pole beans are beautiful and tasty (but change color when cooked!)
Coming soon....
We also re-seeded lots more beets and some lettuces that are supposed to be heat tolerant. The lettuces in the heat are not so happy, so we may not have the bounty that we saw in May/June until Sept/Oct, but we did plant a few varieties; we'll see...
We discussed making signs w/ basic rules for the garden. Draft of sign language will be sent to the google group soon.
Possible movie night combined with toast for the recently hitched on the block (Forrest-Megan / Tyler-Anders) -- maybe July 27 ?
-- Lora